Managing risk is something that all businesses and organisations have to do. It is rarely an optional nice-to-have. The sheer connectedness and interdependence of systems means that the focus on an individual risk without recognising its collateral impact on others is likely to make traditional mitigations futile and insufficient.

The risk landscape must be looked at as a whole. And, this is where consistent and high quality training on strategic risk management initiatives are crucial. Xpertisehub’s has been helping organisations in improving their response to risk by addressing their specific training needs in strategic risk management.

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Awareness of Risk in the Workplace

Whether you are one of a whole team of safety leaders, or it’s just you defending your business against all the threats of the world, keeping your business running and your employees safe can feel insurmountable.

But, you don’t need to be the lone shield for your company’s business continuity. Every team member at your company has the potential to work as an on-the-ground safety leader. They are the ones in the weeds at your facility, and they have the potential to be your eyes and ears. You just need to teach them what to look for, and how to prepare.

When you arm your employees with skills like risk awareness, you are creating a forcefield of safety around your operations. Many workplace accidents can be prevented when your employees know how to spot hazards ahead of time.

Our training team brings years of field experience to deliver risk awareness training that is highly practical and effective.

Protocol of Communicating & Escalating Risk

A critical-incident team brings together diverse individuals who may have never met before and might be reluctant to speak candidly among people they don’t know, especially those higher up in the organization.

Some novel risks don’t allow for the luxury of a critical-incident team. Time is of the essence, and details about the situation are difficult to communicate to company headquarters far from where the threat has emerged. In those situations, responses must be delegated to personnel closest to the event.

All communications should be honest about the reality of the situation, highlight clearly what the organization doesn’t know, provide a rational basis for hope, and empathize with all stakeholders affected by the event.

An effective team deciphers the situation, identifies the most important issues, and establishes priorities among the firm’s multiple, and sometimes competing, constituencies and interests.

Using our years of experience in managing crises, we are able to help organisations improve the critical ability of communicating and escalating risk effectively.

Understanding of Legal Obligation

All legal systems recognize, create, vary and enforce obligations. Obligations are central to the social role of law and explaining them is necessary to an understanding of law’s authority and, therefore, its nature. Not only are there obligations in the law, there are also obligations to the law.

Training your employees on the understanding of their legal obligations is vital to reducing the organisation’s legal exposure. At Xpertisehub, we work closely with the leadership to develop suitable programs for employees and implement them.

Implementing Moral & Ethical Behaviour

At work, ethical behavior is the legal and moral code guiding employee behavior. Being a professional requires more than wearing a nice suit. It requires ethical behavior that drives interactions with other employees, customers and leadership. It also guides how someone performs their job. Ethical behavior guides whether someone will perform minor infractions if he or she feels no one is watching.

Business leaders need to set clear guidelines for ethical behavior in the workplace and to consistently train employees on working according to those guidelines. Xpertisehub can help you in improving the adherence to moral and ethical behaviour expected from your employees.

Types Of Training & Development

Awareness of Risk in the Workplace

Whether you are one of a whole team of safety leaders, or it’s just you defending your business against all the threats of the world, keeping your business running and your employees safe can feel…

Protocol of Communicating & Escalating Risk

A critical-incident team brings together diverse individuals who may have never met before and might be reluctant to speak candidly among people they don’t know, especially those higher up in the organization. Some novel risks…

Understanding of Legal Obligation

All legal systems recognize, create, vary and enforce obligations. Obligations are central to the social role of law and explaining them is necessary to an understanding of law’s authority and, therefore, its nature. Not only…

Implementing Moral & Ethical Behaviour

At work, ethical behavior is the legal and moral code guiding employee behavior. Being a professional requires more than wearing a nice suit. It requires ethical behavior that drives interactions with other employees, customers and…

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