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Training & Development

Xpertisehub’s deep knowledge and experience of India’s risk environment enables us to deliver bespoke training, which helps organisations in greatly reducing their risk exposure. 

Create a forcefield of safety around your operations by arming your employees with practical risk management skills.

Think about the number of incidents that can be prevented when your employees know how to respond in a given situation.

Risk Intelligence

Risk intelligence is an essential component of any risk management strategy. For businesses, high quality risk intelligence means providing the right information to the right stakeholders so that they can make better decisions, either at the right moment or in real-time. 

Xpertisehub helps you operationalize your risk management program, delivering timely and accurate intelligence specific to your needs. With reliable intelligence at your fingertips, you have the decision-making advantage.

Protective Security

Organisations operating in India face an array of risks that vary depending on their industry, size, location, and the profiles of their executives. 

From travel security to supporting complex security management, Xpertisehub’s combination of skill sets, local knowledge, and methodical approach helps companies in mitigating critical risks and succeeding in India’s complex operating environments.

Our multidisciplinary expertise allows us to provide solutions for every imaginable scenario. Members of our protection teams receive regular information on evolving threats and risks – political, environmental, security or social – from our team of analysts.

Whether you require support throughout an entire project life cycle, a single event or to mitigate travel risk for your executive teams, Xpertisehub will deliver the solution you need.

Brand Protection

Illegal trade of counterfeit, look-alike, damaged and expired products is an ongoing problem for organisations across various industries in India. Xpertisehub’s strong foundation and methods enables constant knowledge of what is occurring in and around your brand and product. 

Xpertisehub’s extensive network of investigators (including former police officers) across India, coupled with technology, helps in identifying and tracking counterfeit products as and when they have or are being immersed into the market.

Importantly, Xpertisehub works closely with local authorities across India to identify perpetrators of illegal trade and support raids on counterfeiters to prevent any further damage to your brand.

Corporate Investigation

Comprehensive investigative support for organisations in India 

Many corporations do not have the resources readily available to support a comprehensive investigative response. Xpertisehub’s Investigation team helps you investigate cases of serious frauds, accounting irregularities and more.

Our experienced, independent and highly credentialed investigators can be deployed swifty to support complex investigations across India.